If you need more information traveler about our store, our business hours and any events we might do, drop us a line, email us and we will contact you back within 48hrs.

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.
Our goal is to help you find what you want and cater to your tastes.
If we don’t have it, but we can get it and order it for you, don’t be shy let’s talk!
Our bookstore is for the collectors and the casual fans. Let’s see if we can’t have that special book you really want.
And if you have something in your collection you want to sell, let’s meet up with an appointment at our store.
If we don’t have it, but you do, there is someone out there who is probably looking for it.
Librairie Omnibus is for everyone and we want you to be happy with everything you found with us.
From one book, to an entire series or that great collectible piece for your home.
We are here. OMNIBUS ASSEMBLE!!!!
Phone + (514) 844-0748
Open hours :
Monday 11h00–19h00
Tuesday 11h00–19h00
Wednesday 11h00–19h00
Thursday 11h00–19h00
Friday 11h00–19h00
Saturday 11h00–19h00
Sunday Closed

Welcome to Omnibus Bookstore!!!